Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My soap box on the Tucson shooting (American rhetoric)

Uhhhhh.... Where to begin? He has ties to the American Renaissance. That's a lovely "patriot", neo-Nazi group. ...and they hate homosexuals with a passion. ...that is "shut the F#@ up! in my language. You understand, no?;)

He pre-planned the assassination attempt upon Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.That he was a "Liberal" sounds like more Right Wing Doublespeak. No, see... the "Liberals" have been trying to do terrible things like get health care coverage passed for all Americans.

This killing people isn't their style. Twenty-two years old kids who are Liberals do things like play video games, guitar, and volunteer their time to various environmental things. They don't walk into a room and kill people.

When they searched his house they found a Sarah Palin map. Sarah Palin? Now let's see... the "patriot" groups and people who see that scene as cool think that criminals like Tim McVeigh are heroes. They go out in the woods with their buddies and burn American flags while running around with guns. They are into militaria. They think Adolf Hitler is a genius. They spout anti-government rhetoric. They buy "clips" for their guns that hold 20 - 50 rounds. I would be willing to BET you the kid that shot the people in Arizona Saturday idolized McVeigh. So... Do you think that this asshole is a "Liberal"? Does he sound like one to you? I, for one, would like to know when being Liberal became such a bad thing to be? See... these people have a big part of America's (mostly) middle class convinced. Yes, they vote people like George Bush and these other clowns in. For some reason Sarah Palin is seen as credible. I see her as some kind of media publicity hound; how could she possibly be any more over-exposed? She cries "Blood Libel" about the press dogging her. Lady, maybe if you buttoned your lip once in a while nobody would have any reason to write anything about you anymore and we could all rest for once.

I just recently have started to lean towards liberalism. I guess it's partly my upbringing, and partly just because I hated the way Republican interests protect big business and conservative everything. The Republican Party is nothing more than a shill organization for the Bush sympathisers, oil companies, defense contractors, media personalities and rich people. It's like what Malcolm X said when asked about the assination in 1963. He said that it was "the chickens coming home to roost." I am beginning to feel this too. Now don't get me wrong: what happened to Mrs. Giffords and the other people is what Obama says "A Tragedy for Our Entire Country". (remember that at least five other people were killed in the shooting including a judge and a nine-year-old girl!) This is just the latest in a string of senseless shootings that seem to be happening every few years. Why can't these assholes be stopped? Do we really need to have a coaliton to stop gun violence and forget our basic Constitutional rights?

Call U.S. President Obama at (202) 456-1111 and tell him that it is long overdue for him to make a stand (or put an end to) the National Rifle Association and end his silence about our nation's gun laws.

Time to get off this soap box now

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