Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal Entry November 8, 2000

            Today is another one of those days! I actually feel pretty good because I came off the long haul from Alexandria to Falls Church to Arlington and didn’t once lose my cool in traffic. I attended the 7:15 AM meeting at the Unity. It was great! I’m stoked from all the awesome people I met. A heck of a lot of sobriety in that room;  and people just starting out like myself. All things considered I felt right at home and completely comfortable in the surroundings. It’s not like Serenity or Independence where the dregs all come crawling out of the woodwork. I enjoy being in the company of people more like myself than hanger-on’s who come in and out like there are going through a spin cycle in the wash (or is it through a revolving door – I get mixed up! :>) I was supposed to meet Kristen there this morning. Somehow my conscious is telling me that she never showed up. What a knuckle-head. I shouldn’t say that because actually I find her nice and attractive in a way. Don’t know what to do or say about her. She can be a really high maintenance case. Something is telling me to not let her get too close. That is what a sponsor is for anyhow. All I seem to get from her are excuses and ‘would’ve done this’ and ‘should’ve done that’; and at the same time I think some of the guys around in meetings are trying to hook up with her. That part is a given for sure.  ….What to do. What to do?  Saw Charlie at the meeting this morning and he looks good. The fact is I’m really, really busy with things to do for school right now but I’m not picking up a drink and thank GOD for that. I’ll do fine if I trust in him to guide through. Everything will be OK.   Positive Mental Attitude, baby …..PMA!!! <sic.  Turns out Kristen never showed up. She called and left a message on my cell saying she didn’t feel well. I never saw her on Friday either. …I think she is out sleeping around or something. I dunno? …don’t really want to either.>

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