Wednesday, August 28, 2013

girl at the kiosk

The girl at the kiosk at the shopping mall today. She sees me walking toward her; her head turns the opposite direction. Look away at the crazy man - do not make eye contact! He doesn't look right. I won't talk to him. He will only shoot his stupid mouth off and waste your time completely.
Am I wrong? Tell me otherwise.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Root canal

Ugh! My dentist says that my lower right posterior tooth needs a root canal. The filling is coming out and the inside of the tooth is cracked again. The other night, I went to the store and got some dental paste to put in the filling where a piece of the tooth chipped off. I gotta go seem him this afternoon.

I hope this doesn't hurt like crazy. Somehow, I bet it is. Hope they use lots of Novocain.

Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You are in charge. ...No, I'm not!

It seems as if Fourth of July lasts the whole month here in Washington. (especially the kids in the suburbs shooting off firecrackers until late at night -every night! Man, I hate that ...even though I probably did that when I was their age) Everything feels like "I wish those kids would stop that, but I feel guilty having done it myself. Just be careful. ...and be quiet late at night. Some of us have to work in the morning. {grumpy old man}

I had a great fourth this year. I saw a baseball game. Saw some live music. Saw some more live music from my friend's band. Got hassled by the Fairfax County cops. It all worked out okay, nobody got hurt. Just a noise violation and they didn't give them a ticket. Whoo hooo!
Wookie kissing a girl

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Such a beautiful tune. In my opinion, one of the best Beatles songs ever. The first A-side hit that Lennon/McCartney didn't write completely. George Harrison began to step out into his own with this song.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dear Addy

I love Adriana Kaegi! She is one amazing lady in my honest opinion. She is a blogger, businesswoman, internet pioneer, fashionista, dancer, choreographer, singer, and ex-member of Kid Creole and the Coconuts. ...please check out her website:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama and the baby

I was going to write a little story to go with this, but I think the picture tells a thousand words.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Argentina - "Don't Cry for Me"

It's incredible the parrallel that exists between the current state of the U.S.A. and the history of Argentina.

Argentina was once one of the richest nations on earth. Just like the U.S.A., Argentina was blessed with abundant agriculture, rich farmland laced with navigable rivers, and an accessible port system. Its level of industrialization was higher than many European countries; railroads, automobiles, and telephones were commonplace. It only rivaled the U.S.A., and the biggest, Great Britain, for being the top world economy.

It had everything. the early 20th century.

Then came government controls. The election of president Ipolito Irogyen, though well-meaning, sought to preserve the middle class.

"Among Irigoyen’s changes: mandatory pension insurance, mandatory health insurance, and support for low-income housing construction to stimulate the economy. Put simply, the state assumed economic control of a vast swath of the country’s operations and began assessing new payroll taxes to fund its efforts." (Vicar, slide 5).

With a huge influx of funds to entitlement programs, the governments payouts to retirees etc. soon became overly generous and it soon surpassed the taxpayer's contributions. (Simarly, the United States' Social Security and Medicaid programs are projected to experience this same fate)

Then came Juan Perón. He seized power and brought a semi-capitalist (but fascist) centered government. His famous wife, Evita, and he set about taxing the rich.

Ultimately this became not just the rich, but the middle class, and on. The agriculture and working class began to diminish.   "High taxes and economic mismanagement took their inevitable toll even after Perón had been driven from office. However, his populist rhetoric and “contempt for economic realities” lived on. Argentina’s federal government continued to spend far beyond its means. ..." (Vicar, slide 11)   The military rose to power in the government. The so called "dirty war" imprisoned or murdered young people suspected of conspiracy against the government. Thousands vanished -for no reason.

In 1989, the inflation got so bad that the economy fell apart. Massive rioting ensued, banks closed, crisis hit.
The stage was set for the following: “industrial protectionism, redistribution of income based on increased wages, and growing state intervention in the economy.” (ditto, 12)

The government printed more money to try to pay off public debts. Inflation soared to 3000% ! Argentina's public pension system imploded. The new system of taxes damaged the private sector and further damaged the economy. The government attempted to privatize, but by 2001 the funds had vanished. Raided by government kickbacks and pensions. The government bonds issued went into default.
By 2002, the government was so decimated by government fiscal irresponsibility that it entered a crisis more severe than the U.S.A.'s Great Depression of the 1930's.

-tie in Clinton's rhetoric in the 90's: health care; and Obamacare; Social Security; pensions ...Geoge Bush, Reagan

Monday, January 14, 2013

Post-Apocalypse (blues?)

Hello all,

I am still very much here... So we survive an apocalypse and into the new year - SOOOO now what?
I was hoping for a COUNTDOWN to...  I dunno, Extacy ...or, dare I try, Destruction?! Ah well,
we are all better off in the long run.

I would like to bring up something that all of us have probably done (or have been tempted to do at least once). I am talking about the explosion in internet porn. Right? This is almost as old as the AOL web browser -remember those packs that they gave out for free all over the place? Kind of like their competitor, Erols. And before that Compuserve and Prodigy. This is long before the internet video --everything! Like we have had for the past decade. You Tube makes the world go around. Take that Mayan Calendar.

Seriously guys, if you want to change something in your life quit fapping..

Read what I want to say: Internet masturbation -"Fapping"- enables porn addiction. This drive pushes you against a wall, grabs you into a deep whole of pleasure and regret at the same time. What have you earned in all those hours and hours of browsing and coming into a kleenex? Nothing. You have so much potential to reach your aims, but your wasting it by jizzing in your pants. Fapping makes you feel insecure, steals your sexual lust that can give you ...ah, you know.

Why waste it on lonely, short, imagination, when you can have  lovely relationship with that girl(or guy for you ladies)  you always wanted to have as your partner? Nothing. Your brain gets a short dull feeling satisfaction and wants more. Sort of like what crack cocaine does to you. And then there is more. You don't get anything from it.  What is this short pleasure, a scourge of modern times, compared to a feeling of self control and this feeling of real love, that trumps all fap-sessions you have ever had’? Nothing I say. Overcome those desires and be disciplined, you are your own worst enemy. And only you can win against yourself. Stay true to yourself. Be strong.

Friday, December 21, 2012

I will delete myself today

So it's December 21st finally! I am done reading a lot of posts about the end of the world and the Mayan calender etc. What is funny is how everyone says they are going to do their "bucket list" and have as much sex as they can ...and all that. ME - I am here at work writing this blog. Wooooo!! I wish I could get on a plane and go to Vegas, but that just isn't in the cards for me any more.

Some major websites will go dark for one minute today at 9:30 a.m. (eastern) as part of a national moment of silence for the victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

I still am hurting for the families of the victims (and, of course, the victims of the tragedy). It feels like a another surge of activity right before the Christmas holidays. ...Why does that always happen? It's either right  before or right after. 

What if this was really the end? What would you do about all of your things on the internet. What about your passwords? If someone survives and they need to get into your account, how will they do it? Like, your bank or credit cards. Whew!... and how do you know anyone will be alive to do that?  Maybe the astronauts up in space right now. Or what about sailors in a submarine deep under the ocean. Will they survive? Would they go to Planet X to live the rest of their lives? 

I'm not a huge believer in Doomsday Cults or anything. I think it's a lot of ho-hokus. There is even a space camera that is supposed to view the events such as a huge solar storm or asteroid strikes that the Mayan Apocalypse is supposed to bring today. The link is here:
I dunno - the earth has been okay for the past 4 billion years. Yes, we see a lot of terrible storms and tragedies all over the world now, but that is because of the information age that we live in. The past decade has seen some of the worst disasters. Is this the end, or have we begun a new apocalypse. You decide.