Friday, December 21, 2012

I will delete myself today

So it's December 21st finally! I am done reading a lot of posts about the end of the world and the Mayan calender etc. What is funny is how everyone says they are going to do their "bucket list" and have as much sex as they can ...and all that. ME - I am here at work writing this blog. Wooooo!! I wish I could get on a plane and go to Vegas, but that just isn't in the cards for me any more.

Some major websites will go dark for one minute today at 9:30 a.m. (eastern) as part of a national moment of silence for the victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

I still am hurting for the families of the victims (and, of course, the victims of the tragedy). It feels like a another surge of activity right before the Christmas holidays. ...Why does that always happen? It's either right  before or right after. 

What if this was really the end? What would you do about all of your things on the internet. What about your passwords? If someone survives and they need to get into your account, how will they do it? Like, your bank or credit cards. Whew!... and how do you know anyone will be alive to do that?  Maybe the astronauts up in space right now. Or what about sailors in a submarine deep under the ocean. Will they survive? Would they go to Planet X to live the rest of their lives? 

I'm not a huge believer in Doomsday Cults or anything. I think it's a lot of ho-hokus. There is even a space camera that is supposed to view the events such as a huge solar storm or asteroid strikes that the Mayan Apocalypse is supposed to bring today. The link is here:
I dunno - the earth has been okay for the past 4 billion years. Yes, we see a lot of terrible storms and tragedies all over the world now, but that is because of the information age that we live in. The past decade has seen some of the worst disasters. Is this the end, or have we begun a new apocalypse. You decide.

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