Monday, January 14, 2013

Post-Apocalypse (blues?)

Hello all,

I am still very much here... So we survive an apocalypse and into the new year - SOOOO now what?
I was hoping for a COUNTDOWN to...  I dunno, Extacy ...or, dare I try, Destruction?! Ah well,
we are all better off in the long run.

I would like to bring up something that all of us have probably done (or have been tempted to do at least once). I am talking about the explosion in internet porn. Right? This is almost as old as the AOL web browser -remember those packs that they gave out for free all over the place? Kind of like their competitor, Erols. And before that Compuserve and Prodigy. This is long before the internet video --everything! Like we have had for the past decade. You Tube makes the world go around. Take that Mayan Calendar.

Seriously guys, if you want to change something in your life quit fapping..

Read what I want to say: Internet masturbation -"Fapping"- enables porn addiction. This drive pushes you against a wall, grabs you into a deep whole of pleasure and regret at the same time. What have you earned in all those hours and hours of browsing and coming into a kleenex? Nothing. You have so much potential to reach your aims, but your wasting it by jizzing in your pants. Fapping makes you feel insecure, steals your sexual lust that can give you ...ah, you know.

Why waste it on lonely, short, imagination, when you can have  lovely relationship with that girl(or guy for you ladies)  you always wanted to have as your partner? Nothing. Your brain gets a short dull feeling satisfaction and wants more. Sort of like what crack cocaine does to you. And then there is more. You don't get anything from it.  What is this short pleasure, a scourge of modern times, compared to a feeling of self control and this feeling of real love, that trumps all fap-sessions you have ever had’? Nothing I say. Overcome those desires and be disciplined, you are your own worst enemy. And only you can win against yourself. Stay true to yourself. Be strong.

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