Wednesday, December 29, 2010

DC Water takes the test

Back in the good old days, when we were in school, nothing was better after a sweaty recess than a long slurp from the hallway water fountain.
Things changed. Soccer replaced kickball in the nation’s schoolyards for reasons that may never be clear. And tap water became passé, albeit with good reason in some cases, such as crumbling pipes leaching brain-damaging lead into the water.
The plastic water bottle became a necessity. Everyone carried these bottles. They come in all shapes and sizes and are at least a dollar at the local convenience store! Then suddenly bottled water was under fire. Questions arose about the origin, purity, and environmental "stuff". It seemed there was a certain snob appeal created by a exotic Tiki well on some remote island in Fiji.
Tap water is making a comeback. DC Water wants you to know it tastes good. Or at least as good as bottled water. Which, in a best-case scenario, tastes like nothing.
The city’s water supplier will conducted its fourth DC Water Taste Test Challenge in September 2010.
According to a news release from DC Water:
[Blindfolded] "participants will taste water samples and aim to correctly identify the samples as either District tap water or bottled water. The purpose of the taste test is to highlight the benefits of local tap water and discuss the type of water people choose to drink at home. "
So far, about 500 people have taken part in a series of blind taste tests in the District. The results have been about 50-50 so far, said Sarah Neiderer of DC Water.
“A lot of people think tap water tastes better or they can't taste the difference,” Niederer told NBC Washington.

I'm interested to see how it compared to bottled water. As of this writing, I still haven't heard any results from the press. I think it might have to go through the beaurocracy before anything gets put on the internet. We can only just wait and see...

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