"Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old Indian immigrant to Ireland, recently passed away due to complications with her pregnancy. Seventeen weeks after conception, Halappanavar sought medical help due to extreme back pain and was told that the baby would probably die. Halappanavar and her husband requested an abortion to relieve her of the pain, but were denied. They were told that, because Ireland is a predominately Catholic country, an abortion could not be carried out while the fetus was still alive. Under Irish law, an abortion is legal is a mother's life is at risk. However, this apparently differs from situations where a mother's health is at risk (yeah, it doesn't make too much sense to me, either). Doctor's believed that Halappanavar's life wasn't at risk. Three days after requesting an abortion, Halappanav's fetus died and was removed; four days later Halappanav died from a blood infection.
After Savita's death, her husband, Praveen Hallapanav, made an inquiry about the circumstances of his wife's death. However, the medical records seem to have been tampered with. According to Praveen, there is no record of a request for an abortion. Are healthcare workers in America just as capable of ignoring the law? Many American women are denied abortion when the pregnancy threatens their health even though denying abortion in such a case is illegal under Roe v. Wade. Aside from the blatant corruption of healthcare officials, it seems completely illogical for officials to have denied the Hallapanav's an abortion when they knew that the baby would die. Savita's death has prompted outrage not only in Ireland but across the world, for Ireland's strict abortion laws are not all that different from the de facto laws in some parts of our country. Is Savita's death more proof that we need to reform our system of dealing with abortions? ..."
from http://aragonhitchhikers.blogspot.com/2012/11/abortion-in-ireland.html
What a saaad story. That poor lady. What is going with that? Oh, since the Irish government is Roman Catholic, they won't make an exception.
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